On-demand webinar.

5 Key Considerations when Choosing a GMP Storage Provider

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An insightful discussion with industry experts on navigating Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) regulations in pharmaceutical storage. Discover how to plan ahead and find the right partners who can meet your organization’s specific needs.

In this presentation, viewers can expect to learn:

  • Space qualification and validation
  • Environmental controls
  • Risk mitigation and emergency preparedness
  • Services beyond storage, such as aliquoting and cold chain transportation
  • And more


Emily Lyon, Director, Business Development, Pharma Storage

Mike D’avanzo, Associate Director, Pharma Storage Operations

Rob Briggs, Sr. Director, Business Development, Pharma Services

Sylvan Poeckh, Director, Validation Services

Presented with Fierce Pharma

Complete the form to view the webinar recording and download the presentation.