
Alcami STEAM Outreach Efforts Aim to Inspire Students, Advance Workforce

Written by Alcami | Nov 28, 2018 5:00:00 AM

Alcami expanded its Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) education initiatives this fall with three specialized outreach events designed to encourage high school and college students to pursue careers in chemistry, engineering, and other STEAM fields. 

On October 30, 2018, Divine Savior Holy Angels High School (DSHA) students got a behind-the-scenes look at Alcami’s Germantown, Wisconsin active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) Center of Excellence, as part of the company’s ongoing efforts to promote women in STEAM careers. The all-girls engineering class toured the campus, met with key female company leaders, and learned about potential career paths through interactive presentations.

“Events like these inspire young women to pursue careers in the sciences,” said Alcami Project Management Manager and DSHA alumna, Kara Knight. “You can have more meaningful dialogues with students when you get them out of the classrooms and show them real-world applications of their studies.”

Representatives from Alcami’s chemical research and development, marketing, and human resources departments visited Marquette University on November 8, 2018 to speak to CheMU, the university’s chemistry undergraduate society. The panel gave students a better idea of the diverse careers available to them, and discussed the importance of internships and involvement in undergraduate research.

“If we want to advance our technical workforce, we have to align with local colleges and universities,” said Alcami Talent Acquisition Partner, Mary Christensen. “We have to equip students and instructors with insights into the skills and backgrounds recruiters are looking for.”

Attendees were also treated to Alcami’s Virtual Lab™ experience, an immersive 360-degree virtual reality tour of Alcami labs and facilities.

Alcami scientists Dr. Demetria Dickinson, Jasmine Mace, and Derek Piwonski held an engaging Day of STEM at Milwaukee Marshall High School November 13, 2018, in collaboration with regional advocate, STEM Forward. The trio answered questions from educator Krista Russell’s “Principals of Biomedical Science” classes, talked about their educational experiences, and conducted hands-on chromatography experiments. Milwaukee Marshall offers project-based courses in two Project Lead the Way (PLTW) pathways– engineering and biomedical science. PLTW provides transformative learning experiences for PreK-12 students and teachers across the United States.